Academy of Entrepreneurship is a unique initiative created for everyone who is interested in this area of activity – they set up a business, already run a business or, having many doubts, are only just starting to plan it. The Academy was originally created for the University of Lodz students; however,  it is now open to everyone, regardless of age and interests.


The task of the academy is to inspire people to take action and also generate positive emotions towards entrepreneurship. We debunk myths and stereotypes about entrepreneurship. Looking critically at the developing start-up culture, we try to capture those elements of entrepreneurship that are conducive to building social value and meet the requirements of business ethics. We are committed to promoting innovative but sustainable business models. We promote productive and quality entrepreneurship.

The academy will let you learn, among other things, that entrepreneurship is everywhere and helps to put ideas into practice. You will get to know the way of thinking and making decisions typical of entrepreneurs. You will learn how to evaluate your ideas using business tools. We will also talk about technology development, globalisation and their potential consequences for sustainable and ethical entrepreneurship.


Academy of Entrepreneurship is in the form of an online course for independent work. The materials in the form of videos and exercises have been divided into thematic modules. In each of them you will find some theory, interesting interviews with experienced practitioners and examples of dynamically developing start-ups. You decide when and how much time you spend on a given module.

Participation in the course is free of charge and no login is required

The academy in numbers

  • 6

  • 7

  • 22

  • 100


The course consists of six thematic modules:

  • Module 1 – Why Entrepreneurship?
  • Module 2 – In Pursuit of an Idea
  • Module 3 – How do Entrepreneurs Think and Make Decisions?
  • Module 4 – Working with an Idea for Your Own Business. Basic business tools
  • Module 5 – Business Leadership
  • Module 6 – Entrepreneurship of the Future. Quality and ethical entrepreneurship

In each module you will find:

  • Starter – an intro with each episode preview
  • Knowledge base – a theoretical introduction
  • Practitioner's perspective – an interview with a representative of the business world
  • Zoom on start-up – a story of a local start-up or company
  • Academic voice – an expert commentary, shedding a broader light on a given start-up
  • Time for you! – engaging tools and exercises, allowing you to use your knowledge in practice


Academy of Entrepreneurship is available to everyone – students, graduates of the University of Lodz, as well as to anyone else who is interested in entrepreneurship.

Access to the course is open – no login is required.


It started with a modest room with trampolines of their own patent, and ended with a chain of clubs that used their training solutions. The famous ADHD Sisters started their business while they were still students of the University of Lodz, at the time when the word start-up was just beginning to appear.... Listen to their story, maybe it will inspire you to take action?


Meet Sebastian. Sebastian, a guy allergic to bees, sells hive monitoring equipment allowing to monitor the health of bees and visualise hive parameters worldwide. That's what is called “overcoming your own weaknesses”! And it all started with... a broken jar of honey.  Later, there was arduous work on the patent and perfecting the business, but Sebastian would never change it for a full-time office job.  Watch the video and get to know Intelligent Hives



"I used to think we were like fire and water, now I think we are like fire and a jerry can for petrol" – says Tomasz Ogrodzki (CEO Redd Group) about running a company together with Piotr Smagała. How do you build something together despite personality differences or maybe thanks to them?  And it all happens in one of the most prestigious industries in the world, which is real estate! Familiarise yourself with the story of the REDD Group



Centre for External Relations
Promotion Centre, University of Lodz